Thursday, March 5, 2020

Remote Work A Trap or a Blessing for Your Introverted Self - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Remote Work A Trap or a Blessing for Your Introverted Self - Introvert Whisperer Remote Work: A Trap or a Blessing for Your Introverted Self? On the surface, the prospects of working from home sound ideal. Interestingly enough, remote work is not always the happiest solution for introverts since that much time alone can actually make you even less interested in social interactions. Eventually, even the shyest among us who seem content to spend 99 percent of their time alone, will become lonely. You have to really know yourself and understand how best to get your needs met if you choose to work at home as opposed to an office setting with people buzzing all around you. That use it or lose it warning comes to mind, since an introvert who is not forced occasionally to interface with people risks becoming even more of a loner and can lose the social skills required to be a fully-functioning member of the human race.

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